.. _method-coliny_pattern_search-initial_delta: """"""""""""" initial_delta """"""""""""" Initial step size for derivative-free optimizers .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* REAL - *Default:* 1.0 (COBYLA), 0.1*range (PS, SW) **Description** The ``initial_delta`` keyword defines the size of the first search step in derivative-free optimization methods, specifically ``asynch_pattern_search``, ``coliny_cobyla``, ``coliny_pattern_search``, ``coliny_solis_wets``, and ``mesh_adaptive_search``. It is applied in an absolute sense to all search directions. *Default Behavior* The default value is 1.0. *Usage Tips* It is recommended that ``initial_delta`` be the approximate distance from the initial point to the solution. If this distance is unknown, it is advisable to err on the side of choosing an ``initial_delta`` that is too large or to not specify it. Relative application of ``initial_delta`` is not available unless the user scales the problem accordingly. **Examples** Three example method input blocks appear below. For ``asynch_pattern_search``: .. code-block:: method asynch_pattern_search initial_delta = .5 contraction_factor = 0.25 merit_function merit1_smooth smoothing_factor = 1.0 constraint_tolerance = 1.e-6 For ``coliny_pattern_search``: .. code-block:: method coliny_pattern_search initial_delta = .2 variable_tolerance = 1.e-4 max_iterations 100 solution_accuracy = 1.e-6 seed = 1234 max_function_evaluations = 1000 For ``mesh_adaptive_search`` .. code-block:: method mesh_adaptive_search initial_delta = 2.0 seed = 1234