.. _method-bayes_calibration-sub_sampling_period: """"""""""""""""""" sub_sampling_period """"""""""""""""""" Specify a sub-sampling of the MCMC chain .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* INTEGER - *Default:* 0 **Description** If a ``sub_sampling_period`` is specified, the MCMC chain is filtered such that only the sample at the beginning of each period is in the final MCMC chain. The ``sub_sampling_period`` should therefore be greater than or equal to the correlation length of the samples. *Default Behavior* If not specified, all MCMC samples are included in the final chain. *Expected Output* If specified, an additional tabular output file containing the final (sub- sampled) MCMC chain is generated. **Examples** Generate and then filter a 1000 sample MCMC chain, retainining the first accepted sample and every 100th sample thereafter. An example method block of a Dakota input file is given below .. code-block:: method, bayes_calibration queso chain_samples = 1000 seed = 348 dram proposal_covariance diagonal values 1.0e6 1.0e-1 sub_sampling_period 100