.. _method-bayes_calibration-posterior_stats-kl_divergence: """"""""""""" kl_divergence """"""""""""" Calculate the Kullback-Leibler Divergence between prior and posterior .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* None **Description** The Kullback-Leibler (KL) Divergence, also called the relative entropy, provides a measure of the difference between two probability distributions. By specifying ``kl_divergence``, the KL Divergence between the posterior :math:`f(\boldsymbol{\theta} | \textbf{y}^{Data})` and the prior :math:`f(\boldsymbol{\theta})` parameter distributions is calculated such that .. math:: D_{KL} = \int f(\boldsymbol{\theta} | \textbf{y}^{Data} ) \log \frac{ f(\boldsymbol{\theta} | \textbf{y}^{Data}) }{ f(\boldsymbol{\theta}) } d\boldsymbol{\theta} This quantity can be interpreted as the amount of information gained about the parameters during the Bayesian update. *Expected Output* If ``kl_divergence`` is specified, the calculated value will be reported to the screen at the end of the calibration, following the sample statistics of the response functions. Example output is given below. *Additional Discussion* The quantity calculated is a :math:`k` -nearest neighbor approximation of the possibly multi-dimensional integral given above. Therefore, some applications whose true KL Divergence is quite close to zero may report a negative KL Divergence.