.. _method-approximate_control_variate-search_model_graphs-partial_recursion-depth_limit: """"""""""" depth_limit """"""""""" Throttle the depth for a partial recursion of admissible DAGs .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* INTEGER **Description** A partial recursion includes admissible directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) up to a specified depth. For example, an ACV graph has all approximation models paired with the truth model, so all graph edges point from each approximation node to the root node, resulting in a graph depth of 1. In another example, an MFMC graph has each approximation node point to the next node in the mode sequence, ending at the root node; this results in a depth equal to the number of approximation models. By specifying a ``depth_limit``, one can obtain an intermediate number of DAGs to be explored within the search, which can be useful when the number of DAGs for a ``full_recursion`` grows large. **Examples** .. code-block:: method, model_pointer = 'ENSEMBLE' approximate_control_variate acv_mf pilot_samples = 25 seed = 8674132 search_model_graphs partial_recursion depth_limit = 2 max_function_evaluations = 500