.. _method-approximate_control_variate-search_model_graphs-kl_recursion: """""""""""" kl_recursion """""""""""" Model graph enumeration that follows the ACV-KL partitioning scheme .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* None **Description** The ``kl_recursion`` approach (known as ACV-KL in :cite:p:`GORODETSKY2020109257`) enumerates a set of free parameters, K and L, that partition a sequence of control variate targets within the directed acyclic graph (DAG) of control variate pairings. Within a set of approximation models of size M, the K highest-fidelity approximations target the root node (the truth model) whereas the other M-K lowest fidelity approximations all target node L. The DAGs associated with different values for K and L are enumerated and the one with the best performance (lowest estimator variance for a prescribed budget or lowest cost for a prescribed accuracy) is selected for final post-processing. As described in :cite:p:`Bomarito2022`, the ``kl_recursion`` approach defines a subset of ordered DAGs that are contained within the unordered subset of DAGs defined by ``partial_recursion`` ``depth_limit`` = 2. As such, it explores a reduced number of alternatives which may be appropriate for larger model ensembles. **Examples** .. code-block:: method, model_pointer = 'ENSEMBLE' approximate_control_variate acv_mf pilot_samples = 25 seed = 8674132 search_model_graphs kl_recursion max_function_evaluations = 500 **Theory** Refer to :cite:p:`GORODETSKY2020109257` for additional details.