.. _method-approximate_control_variate-final_statistics-estimator_performance: """"""""""""""""""""" estimator_performance """"""""""""""""""""" Return estimator performance as the final results of a UQ method .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* None **Description** Instead of QoI moments and level mappings, return the performance of the estimator in terms of its variance and aggregate cost. These metrics are targeted in the context of model tuning for multifidelity UQ methods. *Usage Tips* Estimator variance can be minimized when total budget is specified. Alternatively, total budget can be minimized when estimator accuracy is specified. This is managed by the nested model response mappings that define the outer loop objective and constraints, sharing conceptual similarity to the RIA and PMA formulations for optimization with local reliability (refer to RBDO methods in the Theory Manual). **Examples** .. code-block:: method, id_method = 'UQ' model_pointer = 'ENSEMBLE' multifidelity_sampling max_function_evaluations = 1000 pilot_samples = 25 seed = 8674132 solution_mode pilot_projection final_statistics estimator_performance