.. _releasenotes-50: """""""""""""""""""""""" Version 5.0 (2009/12/21) """""""""""""""""""""""" **Highlights** - DAKOTA changes license to the GNU Lesser General Public License to enable library mode users, incorporating license changes for several TPLs - All new JAGUAR 2.0 graphical user interface for creating, editing, and running DAKOTA input files (BSD-like license) - Additional discrete range and discrete set types within design, uncertain, and state variables. New types supported by parameter studies, nondeterministic sampling, JEGA, and COLINY. - Anisotropic sparse grids, numerically-generated orthogonal polynomials, and improved expansion tailoring for stochastic expansion UQ methods - New methods for epistemic and mixed aleatory-epistemic uncertainty quantification: local/global interval estimation and local/global evidence. - Creation and management of evaluation working directories - SNL: DAKOTA modules on compute clusters (module avail dakota) **Usability/Core Execution** - JAGUAR 2.0 graphical user interface, based on Eclipse Workbench, with text- and graphical-based editing, templates, sensitivity analysis wizard, and error checking. Available via separate download after registering for DAKOTA download. - Capability to specify working directories, template directories, and lightweight linking for system and fork interfaces. - DAKOTA input files can use Matlab-style sequence notation (L:S:U and beyond) to specify variable ranges; improved tolerance for whitespace in input files - Improved DAKOTA + application parallelism examples; new asynchronous local evaluation static scheduling for improved parallel tiling on clusters. - Pre-run (with optional variables output) and post-run (with variables/responses input) modes supported by sampling, paramter study, and DACE methods - Examples of Matlab and Python interfaces - Automated cleanup of DAKOTA temporary files on unexpected exit **Variables** - Refactor of Variables and Constraints hierarchies to manage continuous, discrete integer, and discrete real domains among design, aleatory uncertain, epistemic uncertain, and state types. - Additional discrete design variable types: discrete design integer range, discrete design integer set, discrete design real set - New discrete uncertain distibutions: poisson, binomial, negative binomial, geometric, hypergeometric - Additional discrete state variable types: discrete state integer range, discrete state integer set, discrete state real set - Updates to specification of continuous and discrete histograms - Alternate specification for lognormal using lambdas and zetas **Methods (general)** - New capability to perform parameter studies and sampling over discrete variables. New discrete variable types also supported in JEGA and COLINY. - DACE and parameter study classes (DDACE, FSUDACE, and multi-dimensional parameter study) can have correlations calculated and printed in addition to sampling methods - Improved accuracy and robustness in correlation computations - PSUADE: use updated (Campolongo 2007) sample generation scheme to improve space-filling properties - Improved EGO convergence controls (based on nearest neighbor) - Beta capabilities: - wrapper class for LANL's GPMSA code (Bayesian calibration) - importance sampling capability - nonlinear conjugate gradient optimization solver using Trilinos vector-matrix utilities - Bug fixes: - hang in DDACE orthogonal array LHS - OPT++ NIP methods not respecting bound constraints - New example problems for multifidelity OUU (MVFOSM as low fidelity UQ and stochastic expansion as high fidelity UQ), epistemic UQ, mixed aleatory-epistemic UQ, discrete sampling and parameter studies, etc. **Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) Capabilities:** - Stochastic expansions (polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) and stochastic collocation (SC)): - Simplified controls for PCE: expansion formulation now inferred or estimated from quadrature_order or sparse_grid_level specifications. Automatic expansion tailoring minimizes performance loss due to poor expansion/integration synchronization. - Addition of numerically-generated orthogonal polynomials for generating optimal basis for non-Askey distribution types (uses Gauss-Wigert or discretized Stieltjes procedures for polynomial recursion coefficients in combination with Golub-Welsch for Gauss point/weight computation) - Addition of analytic variance-based decomposition for global sensitivity analysis using method of Sobol indices - Addition of analytic covariance among multiple response functions. - Addition of anisotropic Smolyak sparse grids, with user-supplied dimension preference. - Revision of Gaussian quadrature rules within sparse grids to use linear growth, providing finer grain control and more uniform integrand coverage. - PCE customizations for sparse grids: exclusive usage of linear growth rules (no Clenshaw-Curtis or Gauss-Patterson), total-order expansions for isotropic, custom expansion for anisotropic. - Addition of Askey and Wiener basis polynomial over-rides. - Modified variable correlation logic to revert to Wiener expansions for de-correlation as needed on a per-variable basis. - all_variables mode now includes epistemic uncertain variables (previously design and state only) using a Legendre basis. - Epistemic UQ methods: - Refactor of NonDInterval hierarchy to generalize and incorporate new methods. - Evidence: new global (LHS or EGO) and local (SQP or NIP) methods to calculate belief and plausibility in evidence theory calculations. Removed dependence on legacy Fortran package. - Interval estimation: new global (LHS or EGO) and local (SQP or NIP) methods to calculate response output intervals. - Extension of active Variables/Constraints views to support aleatory, epistemic, or aggregated aleatory-epistemic uncertain views. - Mixed aleatory-epistemic UQ methods: - New nested approaches (e.g. second-order probability, mixed evidence) where the outer loop (e.g. interval estimation or evidence) can leverage analytic moments and their sensitivities with respect to epistemic parameters. **Framework Enhancements:** - Eliminated dependence on GSL in favor of Boost (to eliminate GNU GPL dependency) - Fully deployed Teuchos for all numerical data types. Boost and STL are used for all bookkeeping types. - Better out-of-source (VPATH) builds and documentation, including management of Boost and Teuchos - Switched from RNUM2 to Boost MT19937 random number generator for longer period, with run-time selection option - Deployed Boost multi-index containers to evaluation queue management, supporting multiple indexing options for optimized lookups. - Lightweight active/inactive data views implemented with Teuchos and Boost multi-array to eliminate deep data copies. - Updates to third-party libraries: JEGA, PSUADE, AMPL, Boost, Pecos, Teuchos - Minimal data mode for variables and responses omits labels, types, ids in some contexts for better scalability - Unified bounds checking for debugging and reduced overhead in optimized builds **Miscellaneous:** - Binary distributions for Mac OS X and Cygwin, including library dependencies - Better detection of MPICH2 and shmem communicators - Automatic syncronization of DAKOTA input specification help docs to JAGUAR - Surfpack: improved random seed management for repeatability. - Better handling of numerical comparisons on 32-bit - Finite differencing honors variable bounds; more efficient finite difference Hessians - PSUADE generally available under LGPL - Surfpack and LHS relicensed under LGPL - DLL API improvements for re-entry, error handling, get/set options - ModelCenter, MATLAB, and Python interface updates to latest API - Updates to Matlab memory management - HTTP-based usage tracking (disabled by default; currently used Sandia internally only) - Windows: use spawn as alternative to fork