Parameters and Results Using the Python dakota.interfacing module

The Python module dakota.interfacing provides a Python interface to read and write Dakota parameters and results files, respectively. Because of this, dakota.interfacing can greatly simplify development of black-box interfaces. The benefit may be greatest when one or more phases of the interface (pre-processing, execution, post-processing) is written in Python.

The following sections describe the components of dakota.interfacing. These components include:

  • The Parameters class. Makes available the variable information for a single evaluation

  • The Results class. Collects results for a single evaluation and writes them to file

  • The BatchParameters and BatchResults classes. Containers for multiple Parameters and Results objects; used when evaluations are performed by Dakota in batch mode.

  • The read_parameters_file function. Constructs Parameters, Results, BatchParameters, and BatchResults objects from a Dakota parameters file.


dakota.interfacing.read_parameters_file(parameters_file=None, results_file=None, ignore_asv=False, batch=False, infer_types=True, types=None)

Creates Parameters, Results, BatchParameters, and BatchResults objects from a Dakota parameters file.

  • parameters_file – The names of the parameter file that is to be read. The name can be an absolute or relative filepath, or just a filename. If a parameters file is not provided, it will be obtained from the command line arguments. (The parameters filename is assumed to be the second-to-last argument.) Note that if the working directory has changed since script invocation, filenames provided as command line arguments by Dakota’s fork or system interfaces may be incorrect.

  • results_file – The name of the results file that ultimately is to be written. The name can be an absolute or relative filepaths, or just a filename. If a results file is not provided, it will be obtained from the command line arguments. (The results filename is assumed to be the last command line argument.) Note that if the working directory has changed since script invocation, filenames provided as command line arguments by Dakota’s fork or system interfaces may be incorrect. If results_file is set to the constant dakota.interfacing.UNNAMED, the Results or BatchResults object is constructed without a results file name. In this case, an output stream must be provided when Results.write() or BatchResults.write() is called. Unnamed results files are most helpful when no results file will be written, as with a script intended purely for pre-processing.

  • ignore_asv – By default, the returned Results or BatchResults object enforces the active set vector (see the Results class section). This behavior can be overridden, allowing any property (function, gradient, Hessian) of a response to be set, by setting this field to True. This option can be useful when setting up or debugging a driver.

  • batch – Must be set to True when batch evaluation has been requested in the Dakota input file, and False when not.

  • infer_types – Controls how types are assigned to parameter values. The values initially are read as strings from the Dakota parameters file. If infer_types is False and types is None, they remain as type str. If infer_types is True, an attempt is made to “guess” more convenient types. Conversion first to int and then to float are tried. If both fail, the value remains a str.

  • type – Controls how types are assigned to parameter values. The values initially are read as strings from the Dakota parameters file. If infer_types is False and types is None, they remain as type str. If infer_types is True, an attempt is made to “guess” more convenient types. Conversion first to int and then to float are tried. If both fail, the value remains a str.


For single, non-batch evaluation, it returns a tuple that contains (Parameters, Results). For batch evaluations, it instead returns a tuple containing (BatchParameters, BatchResults).


Sometimes automatic type inference does not work as desired; a user may have a string-valued variable with the element “5”, for example, that he does not want converted to an int. Or, a user may wish to convert to a custom type, such as np.float64 instead of the built-in Python float. The types argument is useful in these cases. It can be set either to a list of types or a dict that maps variable labels to types. Types communicated using the types argument override inferred types. If types is a list, it must have a length equal to the number of variables. A dictionary, on the other hand, need not contain types for every variable. This permits variable-by-variable control over assignment and inference of types.

class Parameters

Parameters objects make the variables, analysis components, evaluation ID, and evaluation number read from a Dakota parameters file available through a combination of key-value access and object attributes. Although Parameters objects may be constructed directly, it is advisable to use the read_parameters_file function instead.

Variable values can be accessed by Dakota descriptor or by index using [] on the object itself. Variables types (integer, real, string) are inferred by first attempting to convert to int and then, if this fails, to float.

Variable values can be accessed by Dakota descriptor or by index using [] on the object itself. Variables types are inferred or set as described in the previous section.

Analysis components are accessible by index only using the an_comps attribute. Iterating over a Parameters object yields the variable descriptors.


List of the analysis components (strings).


Evaluation id (string).


Evaluation number (final token in eval_id) (int).


Boolean indicating whether the parameters file was in aprepro (True) or Dakota (False) format.


List of the variable descriptors


Number of variables


Number of analysis components


Names of requested metadata fields (strings)


Number of requested metadata fields.


Return an iterator that yields tuples of the descriptor and value for each parameter. (Results objects also have items().)


Return an iterator that yields the value for each parameter. (Results objects have the corresponding method responses().)

class Results

Results objects do the following:

  • communicate response requests from Dakota (active set vector and derivative variables)

  • collect response data (function values, gradients, and Hessians)

  • write Dakota results files

Results objects are collections of Response objects, which are documented in the following section. Each Response can be accessed by name (Dakota descriptor) or by index using [] on the Results object itself. Iterating over a Results object yields the response descriptors. Although Results objects may be constructed directly, it is advisable to use the read_parameters_file function instead.


Evaluation id (a string).


Evaluation number (final token in eval_id) (int).


Boolean indicating whether the parameters file was in aprepro (True) or Dakota (False) format.


List of the response descriptors (strings)


Number of variables (read-only)


List of the derivative variables (strings)


Number of derivative variables (int)


Return an iterator that yields tuples of the descriptor and Response object for each response. (Parameters objects also have items().)


Return an iterator that yields the Response object for each response. (Parameters objects have the corresponding method values().)


Set the FAIL attribute. When the results file is written, it will contain only the word FAIL, triggering Dakota’s failure capturing behavior.

write(stream=None, ignore_asv=None)

Write the results to the Dakota results file.

  • stream – If stream is set, it overrides the results file name provided at construct time. It must be an open file-like object, rather than the name of a file.

  • ignore_asv – If ignore_asv is True, the file will be written even if information requested via the active set vector is missing.


Calling write() on a Results object that was generated by reading a batch parameters file will raise a BatchWriteError. Instead, write() should be called on the containing BatchResults object.

class Response

Response objects store response information. They typically are instantiated and accessed through a Results object by index or response descriptor using [].


A collections.namedtuple with three members, function, gradient, and hessian. Each is a boolean indicating whether Dakota requested the associated information for the response.


These can be accessed by index or by member.


Function value for the response. A ResponseError is raised if Dakota did not request the function value (and ignore_asv is False).


Gradient for the response. Gradients must be a 1D iterable of values that can be converted to floats, such as a list or 1D numpy array. A ResponseError is raised if Dakota did not request the gradient (and ignore_asv is False), or if the number of elements does not equal the number of derivative variables.


Hessian value for the response. Hessians must be an iterable of iterables (e.g. a 2D numpy array or list of lists). A ResponseError is raised if Dakota did not request the Hessian (and ignore_asv is False), or if the dimension does not correspond correctly with the number of derivative variables.

class BatchParameters

BatchParameters objects are collections of Parameters objects. The individual Parameters objects can be accessed by index ([]) or by iterating the BatchParameters object. Although BatchParameters objects may be constructed directly, it is advisable to use the read_parameters_file function instead.


The “id” of this batch of evaluations, reported by Dakota (string).

class BatchResults

BatchResults objects are collections of Results objects. The individual Results objects can be accessed by index ([]) or by iterating the BatchResults object. Although BatchResults objects may be constructed directly, it is advisable to use the read_parameters_file function instead.


The “id” of this batch of evaluations, reported by Dakota (string)

write(stream=None, ignore_asv=None)

Write results for all evaluations to the Dakota results file.

  • stream – If stream is set, it overrides the results file name provided at construct time. It must be an open file-like object, rather than the name of a file.

  • ignore_asv – If ignore_asv is True, the file will be written even if information requested via the active set vector is missing.

Processing Templates

Dakota is packaged with a sophisticated command-line template processor called dprepro. Templates may be processed within Python analysis drivers without externally invoking dprepro by calling the dprepro function:

dakota.interfacing.dprepro(template, parameters=None, results=None, include=None, output=None, fmt='%0.10g',
code='%', code block='f% %g', inline='f g', warn=True)

If template is a string, it is assumed to contain a template. If it is a file-like object (that has a .read() method), the template will be read from it. (Templates that are already in string form can be passed in by first wrapping them in a StringIO object.)

Parameters and Results objects can be made available to the template using The parameters and results keyword arguments, and additional variable definitions can be provided in a dict via the include argument.

The output keyword is used to specify an output file for the processed template. output=None causes the output to be returned as a string. A string is interpreted as a file name, and a file-like object (that has a .write() method) is written to.

The fmt keyword sets the global numerical format for template output.

code, code_block, and inline are used to specify custom delimiters for these three types of expressions within the template.

Finally, the warn keyword controls whether warnings are printed by the template engine.

dakota.interfacing Examples

In addition to those in this section, the dakota/share/dakota/examples/official/drivers/Python/di folder contains a runnable example of a Python analysis driver. This example demonstrates the dakota.interfacing module.

For most applications, using dakota.interfacing is straightforward. The first example, in Listing 20, is a mock analysis driver. Two variables with the descriptors x1 and x2 are read from the Dakota parameters file and used to evaluate the fictitious user function The result, stored in f, is assigned to the function value of the appropriate response. (A common error is leaving off the function attribute, which is needed to distinguish the function value of the response from its gradient and Hessian.)

Listing 20 A simple analysis driver that uses dakota.interfacing.
import dakota.interfacing as di
import applic_module # fictitious application

params, results = di.read_parameters_file()

# parameters can be accessed by descriptor, as shown here, or by index
x1 = params["x1"]
x2 = params["x2"]

f =,x2)

# Responses also can be accessed by descriptor or index
results["f"].function = f

The Results object exposes the active set vector read from the parameters file. When analytic gradients or Hessians are available for a response, the ASV should be queried to determine what Dakota has requested for an evaluation. If an attempt is made to add unrequested information to a response, a dakota.interface.ResponseError is raised. The same exception results if a requested piece of information is missing when Results.write() is called. The ignore_asv option to read_parameters_file and Results.write() overrides ASV checks.

In Listing 21, has been modified to return not only the function value of f, but also its gradient and Hessian. The asv attribute is examined to determine which of these to add to results["f"].

Listing 21 Examining the active set vector
import dakota.interfacing as di
import applic_module # fictitious application

params, results = di.read_parameters_file()

x1 = params["x1"]
x2 = params["x2"]

f, df, df2 =,x2)

if Results.asv.function:
    results["f"].function = f
if Results.asv.gradient:
    results["f"].gradient = df
if Results.asv.hessian:
    results["f"].hessian = df2


As of the 6.16 release, the direct Python interface can interoperate with dakota.interfacing using a feature of Python known as a decorator. Instead of receiving parameters from the Dakota parameters file and writing results to the results file as in Figure~ref{diexample:asv}, the decorated Python driver works with the Python dictionary passed from the direct Python interface. An example of the decorator syntax and use of the dakota.interfacing Parameters and Results objects that get created automatically from the direct interface Python dictionary is shown in Listing 22. The complete driver including details of the packing functions can be found in the dakota/share/dakota/examples/official/drivers/Python/linked_di folder.

Listing 22 Decorated direct Python callback function using Parameters and Results objects constructed by the dakota.interfacing decorator
from textbook import textbook_list
import dakota.interfacing as di

def decorated_driver(params, results):

    textbook_input = pack_textbook_parameters(params, results)
    fns, grads, hessians = textbook_list(textbook_input)
    results = pack_dakota_results(fns, grads, hessians, results)

    return results

DakotaParams and DakotaResults

If the dakota Python package is available for import (e.g. has been added to the PYTHONPATH), then dprepro generates Parameters and Results objects from the Dakota parameters file. These are available for use in templates under the names DakotaParams and DakotaResults.

Use of these objects permits convenient access to information such as the evaluation ID (DakotaParams.eval_id) and the active set vector entries (DakotaResults[0].asv.function). Dakota variables also become available not only directly within the template, but as members of DakotaParams. That is, if x1 is a Dakota variable, it will be available within a template both by the name x1, and as DakotaParams["x1"]. In this way, variables that have prohibited names (explained in the following section) can still be accessed using their original names.

Unicode Support

Variables must obey the naming conventions for the version of Python that is used to run d/pyprepro. For Python 2, only ASCII alphanumeric characters and the underscore are permitted, and identifiers must not begin with a number. In Python 3, this requirement is relaxed considerably, and many Unicode characters are permitted in identifiers.

Because Dakota itself has few such restrictions on variable names, d/pyprepro “mangles” noncompliant names in the following ways before making them available in templates:

  • Variables/parameters that begin with a number are prepended by the lowercase letter ’i’.

  • Disallowed characters such as # are replaced by underscores (_).

  • In Python 2, non-ASCII letters are normalized to their rough ASCII equivalents (e.g. ñ is replaced by n).

As stated in the previous section, when using dprepro with dakota.interfacing, the original variable names are always available via the DakotaParams object.


The language of pyprepro and dprepro templates is Python with a single modification: In normal Python, indentation delineates blocks of code. However, in d/pyprepro templates, indentation is ignored and blocks must end with an end statement whether they are part of multi-line code ({% %}) or part of single line operation (%).

Users unfamiliar with Python, but who do have experience with other scripting languages such as MATLAB, should find it straightforward to incorporate simple Python scripts into their templates. A brief guide in basic Python programming follows. Interested users should consult any of the many available Python tutorials and guides for more advanced usage.

Python Coding Tips

Here are a few characteristics of Python that may be important to note by users familiar with other languages.

  • Lists (array-like containers) are zero-based

  • Exponentiation is double **. Example: x**y (“x to the y”)

  • In many languages, blocks of code such as the bodies of loops, functions, or conditional statements, are enclosed in symbols such as { }. In ordinary Python, statements that initialize new blocks end in a colon (:), and code within the block is indented, conventionally by a single tab or by 4 spaces. In Python in d/pyprepro templates, initializing statements also end in colons, but indentation is ignored, and code blocks continue until an end statement is encountered.


Python has the standard set of conditionals. Conditional block declaration must end with a :, and the entire block must have an end statement. Consider the following example:

% param = 10.5
% if param == 10.0:
param is 10! See: {param}
% else:
param does not equal 10, it is {param}
% end

% if 10 <= param <= 11:
param ({param}) is between 10 and 11
% else:
param is out of range
% end

results in:

param does not equal 10, it is 10.5

param (10.5) is between 10 and 11

Boolean operations are also possible using simple and, or, and not syntax

% param = 10.5
% if param >= 10 and param <= 11:
param is in [10 11]
% else:
param is NOT in [10,11]
% end


param is in [10 11]


for loops may be used to iterate over containers that support it. As with conditionals, the declaration must end with : and the block must have an end.

To iterate over an index, from 0 to 4, use the range command.

% for ii in range(5):
% end

This returns:


This example demonstrates iteration over strings in a list:

% animals = ['cat','mouse','dog','lion']
% for animal in animals:
I want a {animal}

The output is:

I want a cat
I want a mouse
I want a dog
I want a lion


Lists are zero indexed. Negative indices are also supported, and are interpreted as offsets from the last element in the negative direction. Elements are accessed using square brackets ([]).


% animals = ['cat','mouse','dog','lion']

which results in:


Note that d/pyprepro tries to nicely format lists for printing. For certain types of objects, it may not work well.

{theta = [0,45,90,135,180,225,270,315]}

(with { } to print input) results in

[0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315]

Math on lists

Unlike some tools (e.g. MATLAB) mathematical operations may not be performed on lists as a whole. Element-by-element operations can be compactly written in many cases using list comprehensions:

% theta = [0,45,90,135,180,225,270,315]
{ [ sin(pi*th/180) for th in theta ] }

This results in

[0, 0.7071067812, 1, 0.7071067812, 1.224646799e-16, -0.7071067812, -1, -0.7071067812]

Alternatively, if the NumPy package is available on the host system, lists can be converted to arrays, which do support MATLAB-style element-wise operations:

% theta = [0,45,90,135,180,225,270,315]
% import numpy as np
% theta = np.array(theta) # Redefine as numpy array
{ np.sin(pi*theta/180) }


[0, 0.7071067812, 1, 0.7071067812, 1.224646799e-16, -0.7071067812, -1, -0.7071067812]


Python has powerful and extensive string support. Strings can be initialized in any of the following ways:

string inline
{% mystring2 = '''
another multi-line example
but in a block
''' %}
mystring2: {mystring2}

Single quotes: {'single'}
Double quotes: {'double'}

Which returns:

string inline

string inline

another multi-line example
but in a block

Single quotes: single
Double quotes: double

Strings can be enclosed by either single quotes (') or double quotes ("). The choice is a matter of convenience or style.

Strings can be joined by adding them:

a = 'A'
b = 'B'
{a + ' ' + b}



Custom Functions

Arbitrary functions can be defined using either def or lambda.

Consider the following: (note, we use indentation here for readability but indentation is ignored and the function definition is terminated with end):

def myfun1(param):
    return (param + 1) ** 2 + 3

myfun2 = lambda param: (param + 1) ** 2 + 5
{ [ myfun1(x) for x in [1,2,3,4] ] }


[7, 12, 19, 28]

Auxiliary Functions

Several auxiliary functions that are not part of Python are also available within templates. The first is the include function.



% include('path/to/include.txt')

will insert the contents of path/to/include.txt. The inserted file can contain new variable definitions, and it can access older ones. Parameters defined in the file are not immutable by default, unlike those defined in files included from the command line using the --include option.

d/pyprepro performs limited searching for included files, first in the path of the original template, and then in the path where pyprepro is executed.

Immutable and Mutable

As explained elsewhere, variables can be defined as Immutable(value) or Mutable(value). If a variable is Immutable, it cannot be reassigned without first explicitly make it Mutable.


Unlike variables defined via - -include, variables from files read in using the include() function are Mutable by default.

Set Global Numerical Format

As discussed elsewhere, the print format can be set on a per item basis by manually converting to a string. Alternatively, it can be (re)set globally inside the template (as well as at the command line).

% setfmt('%0.3e')
% setfmt() # resets



Per-field Output Formatting

Use Python string formatting syntax to set the output format of a particular expression.

{ '%0.3f' % pi }

Will output:


Defaults and Undefined Parameters

Directly calling undefined parameters will result in an error. There is no universal default value. However, there are the following functions:

  • get – get param with optional default

  • defined – determine if the variable is defined

The usage is explained in the following examples:

Defined Parameter:
% param1 = 'one'
{ get('param1') } <-- one
{ get('param1','ONE') } <-- one

Undefined Parameter
{ get('param2') } <-- *blank*
{ get('param2',0) } <-- 0

Check if defined: { defined('param2') }

% if defined('param2'):
param2 is defined: {param2}
% else:
param2 is undefined
% end


Defined Parameter:
one <-- one
one <-- one

Undefined Paremater
 <-- *blank*
0 <-- 0

Check if defined: False

param2 is undefined

But notice if you have the following:


you will get the following error:

Error occurred:
    NameError: name 'param3' is not defined

Mathematical Functions

All of the Python math module in imported with the functions:

acos       degrees     gamma   radians
acosh      erf         hypot   sin
asin       erfc        isinf   sinh
asinh      exp         isnan   sqrt
atan       expm1       ldexp   tan
atan2      fabs        lgamma  tanh
atanh      factorial   log     trunc
ceil       floor       log10
copysign   fmod        log1p
cos        frexp       modf
cosh       fsum

Also included are the following constants







tau (2*pi)


deg (180/pi)


rad (pi/180)


phi ((sqrt(5)+1 )/2)


Note that all trigonometric functions assume that inputs are in radians. See Python’s “math” library for more details. To compute based on degrees, convert first:

{ tan( radians(45) )}
{ tan( 45*rad)}
{ degrees( atan(1) )}
{ atan(1) * deg }



Other Functions

Other functions, modules, and packages that are part of the Python standard library or that are available for import on the host system can be used in templates. Use of NumPy to perform element-wise operations on arrays was demonstrated in a previous section. The following example illustrates using Python’s random module to draw a sample from a uniform distribution:

% from random import random,seed
% seed(1)
{A = random()}

Returns (may depend on the system)
