Dakota Git Description

The primary upstream Git repository for Dakota core, and its open source third-party libraries, are hosted on a public-facing machine software.sandia.gov. The top-level repository includes submodules for public TPLs external, pecos, and surfpack. It also has submodules for SNL-specific content which provide extension points for other external sites to provide their own site-specific packages.

Dakota Repository Structure

Local clone path

Upstream URL



Public core Dakota repo


  • ../dakota-packages

  • (software.sandia.gov:/git/dakota-packages)

Public, relative to facilitate HTTPS vs. Git+SSH


  • ../pecos

  • (software.sandia.gov:/git/pecos)

Public, relative to facilitate HTTPS vs. Git+SSH


  • ../surfpack

  • (software.sandia.gov:/git/surfpack)

Public, relative to facilitate HTTPS vs. Git+SSH

  • dakota/packages/local/*

  • dakota/local

  • SNL Gitlab-Ex

  • SNL CEE Gitlab

  • SNL TPLs (DOT, NLPQL, NPSOL); other sites can place their copies here too

  • SNL site-specific content

All respoitories have a “devel” branch into which changes are integrated. An automated process tests changes made to the devel branches before pushing these to the more stable “master” branches.