.. _model-surrogate-global-polynomial-import_model-text_archive: """""""""""" text_archive """""""""""" Surrogate model plain-text archive file format **Topics** surrogate_models .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* None **Description** When specified, the surrogate model will be exported (or imported) using a plain-text archive format. Experimental surrogates will export to (import from) text archives named ``{prefix}``.{response_descriptor}.txt. Other (Surfpack) surrogates will export/import using files named ``{prefix}``.{response_descriptor}.sps, in which 'sps' stands for Surfpack surrogate. See ``filename_prefix`` for further information about surrogate file naming. **Examples** The Dakota examples include a demonstration of using the surfpack executable with an exported model file.