.. _method-surrogate_based_local-approx_subproblem-augmented_lagrangian_objective: """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" augmented_lagrangian_objective """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Augmented Lagrangian approximate subproblem formulation .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* None **Description** For SBL problems with nonlinear constraints, a number of algorithm formulations exist as described in :cite:p:`Eld06b` and as summarized in :ref:`adv_meth:sbm:sblm`. First, the "primary" functions (that is, the objective functions or calibration terms) in the approximate subproblem can be selected to be surrogates of the original primary functions ( ``original_primary``), a single objective function ( ``,single_objective``) formed from the primary function surrogates, or either an augmented Lagrangian merit function ( ``augmented_lagrangian_objective``) or a Lagrangian merit function ( ``lagrangian_objective``) formed from the primary and secondary function surrogates. The former option may imply the use of a nonlinear least squares method, a multiobjective optimization method, or a single objective optimization method to solve the approximate subproblem, depending on the definition of the primary functions. The latter three options all imply the use of a single objective optimization method regardless of primary function definition.