.. _method-polynomial_chaos-expansion_order-collocation_points-cross_validation-noise_only: """""""""" noise_only """""""""" Restrict the cross validation process to estimating only the best noise tolerance. .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* None - *Default:* false **Description** By default, cross validation estimates both the best noise tolerance and the best candidate basis order. For reasons of reducing computational cost by reducing the number of candidate solves, the user may wish to restrict this process to estimating only the best noise tolerance. Generally speaking, computing the best noise tolerance through cross validation mitigates issues with over-fitting the data. Computing the best candidate basis order can also mitigate overfitting, while also controlling levels of mutual coherence resulting from high-order Vandermonde-like matrix systems.