.. _method-multilevel_sampling-final_statistics-qoi_statistics-final_moments: """"""""""""" final_moments """"""""""""" Output moments of the specified type and include them within the set of final statistics. .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 method-multilevel_sampling-final_statistics-qoi_statistics-final_moments-none method-multilevel_sampling-final_statistics-qoi_statistics-final_moments-standard method-multilevel_sampling-final_statistics-qoi_statistics-final_moments-central **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* None - *Default:* standard **Child Keywords:** +-------------------------+--------------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | Required/Optional | Description of | Dakota Keyword | Dakota Keyword Description | | | Group | | | +=========================+====================+====================+=============================================+ | Required (Choose One) | Final moment type | `none`__ | Omit moments from the set of final | | | | | statistics. | | | +--------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | | | `standard`__ | Output standardized moments and include | | | | | them within the set of final statistics. | | | +--------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | | | `central`__ | Output central moments and include them | | | | | within the set of final statistics. | +-------------------------+--------------------+--------------------+---------------------------------------------+ .. __: method-multilevel_sampling-final_statistics-qoi_statistics-final_moments-none.html __ method-multilevel_sampling-final_statistics-qoi_statistics-final_moments-standard.html __ method-multilevel_sampling-final_statistics-qoi_statistics-final_moments-central.html **Description** When performing a nested study that may employ moment statistics on the inner loop, it can be desirable to control the type of these moments. The ``final_moments`` specification supports options of ``none``, ``standard`` (default), or ``central``, corresponding to omission of moments, standardized moments (mean, standard deviation, skewness, and excess kurtosis), or central moments (mean, variance, 3rd central, and 4th central). The presence or omission of moment results in the final statistics influences the outer level mappings in the case of a nested study. For example, ``final_moments`` ``none`` can allow for a more compact specification of primary and/or secondary response mappings. **Examples** The following method specification overrides the default to print ``central`` moments and include them in the set of final statistics. .. code-block:: method, sampling samples = 50 seed = 1234 response_levels = 3.6e+11 1.2e+05 3.5e+05 final_moments central Overriding the default to ``none`` as follows: .. code-block:: method, sampling samples = 50 seed = 1234 response_levels = 3.6e+11 1.2e+05 3.5e+05 final_moments none allows associated nested model mappings to be simplified from: .. code-block:: model nested sub_method_pointer = 'UQ' primary_response_mapping = 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. secondary_response_mapping = 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. to a more compact version focused only on the response level mappings (two leading zeros per response function for moment mappings have been removed): .. code-block:: model nested sub_method_pointer = 'UQ' primary_response_mapping = 1. 1. 0. secondary_response_mapping = 0. 0. 1.