.. _method-bayes_calibration-gpmsa-proposal_covariance-prior-multiplier: """""""""" multiplier """""""""" Multiplier to scale prior variance .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* REAL - *Default:* 1.0 **Description** The initial proposal covariance will be given by the prior variance times the multiplier. *Default Behavior* When using prior-based proposal covariance, the default is to use the prior variance for the proposal (multiplier = 1.0) *Usage Tips* The prior variance may result in too tight or narrow a proposal covariance. The multiplier can be used to scale all entries of the prior variance in determining the initial proposal covariance. **Examples** .. code-block:: method bayes_calibration queso samples = 2000 seed = 348 dram proposal_covariance prior multiplier 0.1