.. _method-bayes_calibration-dream-emulator-pce-expansion_order-posterior_adaptive: """""""""""""""""" posterior_adaptive """""""""""""""""" Adapt emulator model to increase accuracy in high posterior probability regions .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 **Specification** - *Alias:* None - *Arguments:* None **Description** Following an emulator-based MCMC process, this option refines the emulator by selecting points in regions of high posterior probability, performing truth evaluations at these points, updating the emulator, and reperforming the MCMC process. The adaptation is continued until the maximum number of iterations is exceeded or the convergence tolerance is met. **Examples** .. code-block:: bayes_calibration queso chain_samples = 2000 seed = 348 delayed_rejection emulator gaussian_process surfpack build_samples = 30 posterior_adaptive max_iterations = 10 proposal_covariance derivatives